HOM Videos, ep. 4: The Anthropology of Mimesis: Christoph Wulf

In this fourth episode of HOM Videos anthropologist Christoph Wulf (Freie U of Berlin) builds on his seminal book, Mimesis: Culture-Art-Society (with Gunter Gebauer) to discuss the centrality of mimesis in ritual festivals, both in Europe and in Japan, in the construction of cultural identities, and in education and social life more generally.

Prof. Christoph Wulf: The History and the Mimetic Foundation of Social Life

In this guest lecture/workshop on “The History and the Mimetic Foundation of Social Life” (Feb. 22, 2019), Prof. Wulf joins forces with participants in the HOM Seminar at KU Leuven to argue that mimesis is not only a debased copy; it is also, and above all, an anthropological human condition essential for learning, the transmission of culture, and the emergence of innovation–via creative forms of cultural imitation.